the way of awareness

If you're like me, and were ever interested in meditation, you've probably already bought the book or downloaded the app, and gave it a try. Maybe it was relaxing for a bit, felt good to just sit for a while, or maybe it was frustrating, or felt pointless. Most people I speak to who have tried to meditate regularly or have interest in trying meditation for the first time, in some way express that the things they've tried, read, heard, or watched, seemed great, but didn't quite fit. And, in most cases, people are off-and-on meditators, or say they would meditate more often, more regularly, or at all, if only they had the time, if some current conflict would resolve, if they could feel like they were at least doing it right, or if they had easy access to a private, quiet, picturesque place to retreat to.

The truth is, anyone who’s meditated even one day, learned fast that we are almost never present.
— Pema Chödrön

Many hit road blocks here, I believe, because similar to psychotherapy, there is no one-size-fits-all method for learning meditation. It takes a wide-range of training experiences, and a skillful guide who can chart a course for your journey and adjust that course to compliment the direction of your growth as a unique individual.    

A daily meditation practice is an investment in well-being that can have profound and dramatic benefits for one's quality of life. In one-on-one instruction or in small groups, with my combined expertise from Counseling Psychology and Mindfulness Meditation, I can help you develop and maintain your own meditation practice.